
单数代词及a / an的用法

  • 英文句子里,开头第一个字母一定要大写,句尾和中文一样都要加上句点(.)。
  • 中文和英文最大的差别在于中文可以省略“一个”。例如,“我是女孩”,英文一个要说“我是一个女孩”。
  • 英语句子中一定要有动词,be 动词是动词的一种,中文意思代表“是”。
  • 代词的功能主要是代替名词。
  • Be 动词:is am are。
  • 当遇到开头是发元音 a,e,i,o,u 的单词,要用 an 取代 a。
代词 中文意思 代词 + be 动词 中文意思
I I am 我是
you you are 你是
he he is 他是
she she is 她是
it it is 它是
this 这个 this is 这个是
that 那个 that is 那个是


  • I am a girl.
  • You are a boy.
  • I am a boy.
  • You are a teacher.
  • He is a student.
  • She is a doctor.
  • It is a book.
  • It is a dog.
  • This is a chair.
  • That is a car.
  • It is an apple.
  • This is an apple.
  • That is an apple.
  • It is an airplane.
  • This is an airplane.
  • That is an airplane.


  • 复数代词需要和 are 搭配,名词要变成复数形式。
代词 中文意思 代词 + be 动词 中文意思
we 我们 we are 我们是
you 你们 you are 你们是
they 他们 they are 他们是
these 这些 these are 这些是
those 哪些 those are 那些是
单数 复数
boy boys
monkey monkeys(y前面有元音,直接加s)
you you
man men
bus buses
thief thieves
knife knives
baby babies


  1. We are girls.
  2. We are doctors.
  3. You are boys.
  4. You are farmers.
  5. They are students.
  6. They are thieves.
  7. These are dogs.
  8. These are cats.
  9. Those are buses.
  10. Those are knives.


  • 形容词要放在名词的前面。
  • this、that、these、those 形容词用法:this boy、that boy、these boys、those boys。


  1. You are a short boy.
  2. I am a tall teacher.
  3. He is a fat student.
  4. She is a thin doctor.
  5. It is a good book.
  6. It is a smart dog.
  7. This is a new chair.
  8. That is a big car.
  9. It is an apple.
  10. This is a small apple. ( an apple中间放了开头不是元音的small,an就必须变成a )
  11. That is a big apple.( an apple中间放了开头不是元音的big,an 就必须变成a )
  12. It is an airplane.
  13. This is a blue airplane.
  14. That is a beautiful airplane.
  15. We are happy girls.
  16. We are busy doctors.
  17. You are strong boys.
  18. You are lazy farmers.
  19. They are stupid students.
  20. These are dirty dogs.
  21. These are clean cats.
  22. Those are white buses.
  23. Those are old knives.
  24. This girl is happy.
  25. This doctor is busy.
  26. That doy is clean.
  27. That cat is dirty.
  28. These books are good.
  29. These chairs are bad.
  30. Those buses are white.
  31. Those trees are green.


  • 简be动词移到句首,才能形成疑问句,例如 Is she a doctor ?
  • 想写肯定句,再写疑问句。


  1. You are busy.
  2. Are you busy?
  3. She is short.
  4. Is she short?
  5. I am tall.
  6. Am I tall? (I无论在句子何处,永远都要大写)
  7. This is a book.
  8. Is this a book?
  9. He is a tall boy.
  10. Is he a tall boy?
  11. He is a smart teacher.
  12. Is he a smart teacher?
  13. That is a good dog.
  14. Is that a good dog?
  15. This dog is smart.
  16. Is this dog smart?

Yes 的用法

  • Yes的意思为“是的”,主要放于句首,用来回答表示“同意或肯定”的意思。
  • Yes常放在句首,用于回答表示“同意或肯定”;Yes后面要加逗号。


  1. This is a good book.
  2. Is this a good book?
  3. Yes, it is.
  4. Yes, it is a good book.
  5. That dog is smart.
  6. Is that dog smart?
  7. Yes, it is.
  8. Yes, it is smart.
  9. She is a good doctor.
  10. Is she a good doctor?
  11. Yes, she is.
  12. Yes, she is a good doctor.
  13. That doctor is busy.
  14. Is that doctor busy?
  15. Yes, he is.
  16. Yes, he is busy.
  17. That tall teacher is fat.
  18. Is that tall teacher fat?
  19. Yes, he is.
  20. Yes, he is fat.

No 的用法

  • No放于句首,用于回答表示否定的意思;not放于句中使用,表示“不”的意思。
  • 中文讲“不是”;英文要讲“是不”。


  1. You are happy.
  2. You are not happy.
  3. That desk is samll.
  4. That desk is not samll.
  5. You are fat.
  6. Are you fat?
  7. No, I am not fat.
  8. This dog is dirty.
  9. Is this dog dirty?
  10. No, it is not dirty.
  11. That mother is thin.
  12. Is that mother thin?
  13. No, that mother is not thin.
  14. These books are new.
  15. Are these books new?
  16. No, these books are not new.
  17. Those students are smart.
  18. Are those students smart?
  19. No, those students are not smart.


  • 人称代词的所有格写法=人称代词+名词
人称代词 中文意思
my 我的
your 你的
his 他的
her 她的
its 它的
our 我们的
your 你们的
their 他们的


  1. It is my table.
  2. Is it my table?
  3. Yes, it is my table.
  4. I am your teacher.
  5. Am I your teacher?
  6. No, you are not my teacher.
  7. That is his house.
  8. Is that his house?
  9. Yes, that is his house.
  10. That is her desk.
  11. Is that her desk.
  12. No, that is not her desk.
  13. That is our desk.
  14. Is that our desk?
  15. Yes, that is our desk.
  16. This is their dog.
  17. Is this their dog?
  18. No, this is not their dog.
  19. These are your chairs.
  20. Are these your chairs?
  21. No, these are not our chairs.
  22. Those are our friends.
  23. Are those our friends?
  24. Yes, those are our friends.
  25. My student is tall.
  26. Is my student tall?
  27. Your teacher is short.
  28. Is short you teacher?
  29. His father is happy.
  30. Is his father happy?
  31. Her sisters are sad.
  32. Are her sisters sad?
  33. Its ear is red.
  34. Is its ear red?
  35. Our doctor is busy.
  36. Is our doctor busy?
  37. Your piano is white.
  38. Is your piano white?
  39. Their driver is lazy.
  40. Is their driver lazy?

What 疑问句与专有名词

  • 中文习惯说“这是什么?”,但英文却习惯说“什么是这?”。其中的“what”代表所要问的东西,在英文里称为“疑问词”。疑问词通常要移到句首形成疑问的语气,但与之前学过的一般疑问句在语调上有很大的不同。“什么是这?”句尾的语调如同肯定句一样,要下降,这一点和中文说“这是什么?”的语调也是下降是一致的。
  • What是疑问代词=“什么”的意思,what本身兼具疑问词和代词的特性=疑问词 (形成疑问语气)+代词(代表要问的东西)。之前的一般疑问句只要把am, are, is放到句首就可以了;但有疑问词What的疑问句,必须要把what 放到 is, am, are之前句首的位置,形成疑问语气。


  1. What is this?
  2. This is a book.
  3. What is that?
  4. That is a pen.
  5. This is your name.
  6. Is this your name?
  7. What is your name?
  8. That is his name.
  9. Is that his name?
  10. What is his name?
  • 专有名词,是独一无二的名词,第一个字母永远都要大写。
  • 专有名词无论在句子的什么位置,第一个字母永远要大写。
  • 专有名词因为是独一无二的,所以前面当然不需用再加“a”来表示数量。
  • 专有名词有以下几种
    • 人名 例如,John约翰。
    • 地名 例如,Taipei台北。
    • 国家 例如,America美国。
    • 语言 例如,English英文。


  1. What is your name?
  2. My name is John.
  3. What is her name?
  4. Her name is Mary.
  5. What is his name?
  6. His name is Billy.

Why 疑问句的用法

  • “why”要放在句首形成疑问句,是用来询问对方原因的问句,句尾的语调要下降。
  • “why”的意思是“为什么”,它的用法和“what”一样,必须要把why放到am, are, is之前句首的位置,形成疑问语气。Why的疑问句是用来询问对方原因的问句,所以句尾语调要如同肯定句一样,必须下降。


  1. His cat is dirty.
  2. Is his cat dirty?
  3. Why is his cat dirty?
  4. That table is small.
  5. Is that table small?
  6. Why is that table small?
  7. Your brother is sick.
  8. Is your brother sick?
  9. Why is your brother sick?
  10. That student is stupid.
  11. Is that student stupid?
  12. Why is that student stupid?
  13. Your uncle is selfish.
  14. Is your uncle selfish?
  15. Why is your uncle selfish?
  16. That postman is honest.
  17. Is that postman honest?
  18. Why is that postman honest?

Every 的用法

  • every的用法:“every”=“每一个”,属于形容词。“每一个”算是单数,必须和单数名词配合,所以be动词要用is。


  1. Every house is green.
  2. Is every house green?
  3. Why is every house green?
  4. Every postman is busy.
  5. Is every postman busy?
  6. Why is every postman busy?
  7. Every cat is clean.
  8. Is every cat clean?
  9. Why is every cat clean?

连词 because 的用法

  • “because”的意思是“因为”,在英文里属于连词。连词像是两个车厢之间的挂钩,主要用来连接两个句子,目的在于让整句的语意更加完整。
  • because的用法:句1+because+句2。


  1. That farmer is thin.
  2. Is that farmer thin?
  3. Why is that farmer thin?
  4. That farmer is thin because he is sick.
  5. You are weak.
  6. Are you weak?
  7. why are you weak?
  8. I am weak because I am sick.
  9. This name is good.
  10. Is this name good?
  11. Why is this name good?
  12. This name is good because it is my name.
  13. David is a good student.
  14. Is David a good student?
  15. Why is David a good student?
  16. David is a good student because he is honest.
  17. He is a good doctor.
  18. Is he a good doctor?
  19. Why is he a good doctor?
  20. He is a good doctor because he is kind.
  • because也可放句首=Because+句1+,+句2
  • 中文常讲“因为……所以”,而英文却只讲“因为……”,后面不会加“所以”。因此当“because”放在句首时,大家可以把句2前面的逗号想象成“所以”来看。


  1. My students are smart.
  2. Are my students smart?
  3. Why are my students smart?
  4. Because you are smart, your stuents are smart.
  5. This desk is good.
  6. Is this desk good?
  7. Why is this desk good?
  8. Because this desk is clean, it is good.
  9. My brother is sad.
  10. Is my brother sad?
  11. Why is my brother sad?
  12. Because your brother is sick, he is sad.

Who 疑问句的用法

  • Who是疑问代词,意思是“谁”,而Who的用法和前面所学的“What”“Why”相同,都必须放在句首形成疑问句,因此中文习惯讲“他是谁?”,英文却习惯说成“谁是他?”。另外Who是用来询问对方是谁的问句,所以句尾的语调要如同肯定句一般,必须下降,这一点也和中文说“他是谁?”的语调下降是一致的。
  • Who是疑问代词=“谁”的意思,所以Who=疑问词(形成疑问语气)+代词(代表要问的人)。Who的用法和前面所学的“What”“Why”相同,都必须放在am, are, is之前句首的位置形成疑问语气。


  1. Who is that postman?
  2. That postman is my father.
  3. Who is that driver?
  4. That driver is my uncle.
  5. Who is that student?
  6. That student is John.
  7. Who is this girl?
  8. This girl is my friend.
  9. Who is your nurse?
  10. My nurse is that girl.
  11. Who is that waiter?
  12. That waiter is my brother.
  13. Who is that waitress?
  14. That waitress is my sister.
  15. Who is your brother?
  16. My brother is Billy.
  17. who is your friend?
  18. My friend is Mr. Lin.
  19. Who is his grandmother?
  20. His grandmother is Mrs. Lin.

How 疑问句与fine 的用法

  • “How”是疑问词,是“如何”的意思。当我们问候对方时,“How”通常是问候对方“身体状况如何”的意思。而“How”的用法也和前面所学的“What”“Why”“Who”等疑问词相同,都必须放在句首形成疑问句。另外,当我们回答“很好”时,通常会用“fine”这个形容词,代表“身体安好”的意思。
  • How(疑问词)=“如何”的意思。“How”的用法和前面所学的“What”“Why”“Who”相同,都必须放在am,are,is之前句首的位置形成疑问语气。另外“How”是想要确认对方状况,所以句尾语调要下降。
  • fine(形容词)=“好的”意思。当我们回答“身体状况很好”时,通常不会用“good”,而是用“fine”。所以“fine”和“good”的“好”,有意思上的不同。


  1. How is that postman?
  2. That postman is fine.
  3. How is that baby?
  4. That baby is fine.
  5. How is your friend?
  6. My frident is fine.
  7. How is that driver?
  8. He is fine.
  9. How is her uncle?
  10. He is fine.
  11. How is Maray?
  12. She is fine.
  • How+形容词=形成不同意思的问法。
  • “How”除了“如何”的意思之外,“How”也可与其他形容词结合形成不同意思的问法。例如,How+old=如何老=多老=几岁的意思,而How+new=如何新=多新的意思!


  1. How tall are you?
  2. How angry is my mother?
  3. How old is his grandmother?
  4. How honest is(are) your student(students)?
  5. How busy is that postman?
  6. How sad is our teacher?
  7. how big is that dog?
  8. How beautiful is that airplane?
  9. How stupid is my son?
  10. How lazy is your daughter?

Where 疑问句的用法

  • “Where”疑问词,是“在哪里”的意思。“Where”的用法也和前面所学的“What”“Why”“Who”等疑问词相同,都是必须放在句首形成疑问句。“Where”是用来“确认对方的地点”的,所以句尾语调也要下降!


  1. Where is Mary?
  2. Where are you?
  3. Where are they?
  4. where is that doctor?
  5. Where is that waiter?
  6. where are(is) her parent(parents)?
  7. Where are my friends?
  8. Where is your clock?
  9. Where is my cup?
  10. Where is her sofa?
  11. Wherw is that store?
  12. Where is that bookstore?
  13. Where is my bicycle?
  14. Where is our school?
  15. Where is their classroom?

介词 in 的用法

  • 在中文里,我们为了要明确说出“东西之间的相对位置”,会使用“里 / 外 / 上 / 下”等说法来让别人清楚了解相互之间的“相对位置”。而英文也是一样的,也会使用代表“里 / 外 / 上 / 下”的词性来说明。而具有这样词性的单词,我们就称为介词。
  • 介词的功能,主要是用来显示出“两者之间的相对位置”。如“in”这个介词=“在……里面”的意思;既然是“在……里面”,“in”的后面当然必须搭配一个空间(盒子 / 房屋),来符合“在……里面”的意思。


  1. Where is your sister?
  2. My sister is in her room.
  3. Is your sister in her room?
  4. Yes, she is.
  5. why is your sister in her room?
  6. She is in her romm because she is tired.
  7. Where is that people?
  8. That people is in my room.
  9. Is that people in your room?
  10. Yes, he is.
  11. Why is that people in your house?
  12. That people is in my house because he is my husband.
  13. Where is your father?
  14. My father is in his office.
  15. Is your father in his office?
  16. Yes, he is.
  17. Why is your father in his office?
  18. He is in his office because he is busy.
  19. Where is that friendly waitress?
  20. That friendly waitress is in that bookstore.
  21. Is that friendly waitress in that bookstore?
  22. Yes, she is.
  23. Why is that friendly waitress in that bookstore?
  24. She is in that bookstore because her son is in that bookstore.
  25. Where is that healthy baby?
  26. That healthy baby is in her car.
  27. Is that healthy baby in her car?
  28. Yes, he is.
  29. Why is that healthy baby in her car?
  30. That baby is in her car because she is his mother.
  31. Where is that monkey?
  32. That monkey is in my classroom.
  33. Is that monkey in your classroom?
  34. Yes, it is.
  35. Why is that monkey in your classroom?
  36. It is in my classroom because it is my pet.

介词 on 的用法

  • “on”这个介词=“在……上面”的意思,但是这里所说的“上面”,并不是“漂浮在东西的上空”喔,而是必须接触到东西的表面,才能使用“on”来说明!


  1. That book is on your desk.
  2. Is that book on my desk?
  3. Yes, it is.
  4. Why is that book on my desk?
  5. That book is in your desk because it is your book.
  6. That dog is on her table.
  7. Is that dog on her table?
  8. Yes, it is.
  9. Why is that dog on her table?
  10. That dog is on her table because it is hungry.


介词 中文意思
at 在……地点
beside 在……旁边
near 在……附近
under 在……正下方
over 在……正上方
below 在……下方
above 在……上方


  1. That key is in that box.
  2. Is that key in that box?
  3. No, it is not.
  4. That key is on your table.
  5. Her dog is at that store.
  6. Is her dog at that store?
  7. No, it is not.
  8. Her dog is beside your husband.
  9. Your house is beside this park.
  10. Is your house beside this park?
  11. No, my house is not beside this park.
  12. My house is near this park.
  13. That balloon is below this tree.
  14. Is that balloon below this tree?
  15. No, it is not.
  16. That balloon is above this tree.
  17. That butterfly is over his head.
  18. Is that butterfly over his head?
  19. No, it is not.
  20. That butterfly is under that table.
  21. That bird is in that tree.
  22. Is that bird in that tree?
  23. No, it is not.
  24. That bird is beside that window.

Whose 疑问句的用法

  • 中文习惯讲“这本书是谁的?”,但英文却习惯说“谁的是这本书?”,其中的Whose也是疑问代词,也就是“谁的东西”的意思。而Whose的用法和前面所学的“What”“Why”相同,都必须放在句首形成疑问句。另外Whose是用来“确定是谁的东西”,所以句尾的语调要如同肯定句一般,必须下降。
  • Whose算是疑问代词,意思是“谁的东西”。Whose的用法和前面所学的“What”“Why”相同,都必须放在am, are, is之前句首的位置,来形成疑问语气。


  1. Whose book is that?
  2. Whose book is this?
  3. Whose teacher are you?
  4. Whose father is he?
  5. Whose birds are these?
  6. Whose chickens are those?


  • 名词的所有格:只限于有生命的“人”或“动物”。


  1. John’s house is small.
  2. Your student’s dog is big.
  3. That cat’s tail is short.
  4. He is my sister’s friend.
  5. This people is Mary’s driver.
  6. Those cats’ tails are white.
  7. These are my teacher’s books.
  8. Those are my brothers’ room.
  9. These children’s hands are clean.
  10. Those girls’ hats are beautiful.
  11. Those men’s cars are dirty.
  • 所有格代词是为了避免重复叙述的写法。如果我们说“这本书是我的书”,就重复说了一次“书”,这样就有些多余,因此在英文里,就会使用所有格代词来避免不断重复地叙述。
    • mine = my + 名词
    • yours = your + 名词
    • his = his + 名词
    • hers = her + 名词
    • its = its + 名词
    • ours = ours + 名词
    • theirs = theirs + 名词


  1. Whose book is that?
  2. That book is hers.
  3. Whose book is this?
  4. This book is mine.
  5. Whose dog is this?
  6. This dog is yours.
  7. Whose cat is that?
  8. That cat is theirs.
  9. Whose chickens are those?
  10. Those chickens are his.
  11. Whose books are those ?
  12. Those books are ours.
  13. Whose flowers are these?
  14. These flowers are yours.

Which 疑问句的用法

  • Which意思是“哪一个 / 哪一些”。Which的性质和Whose一样,也都是放在句首当疑问代词,用来询问对方“哪一个 / 哪一些”的意思。所以Which可以代表单数,也可以代表复数。
  • Which放在句首,且放在am, are, is之前形成疑问语气,句尾的语调要下降。
  • Which是疑问代词=“哪一个”的意思。Which的用法和前面所学的“Whose”相同,都必须放在am,are, is之前句首的位置,来形成疑问语气。
  • which意思是“哪一个 / 哪一些”,也就是通过询问对方并“找出其中一个 / 一些”,因此若是问“哪一个”,那么 which后面所要配合的名词就必须是单数名词,而be动词也就一定是is了;若是问“哪一些”,后面当然就是复数名词跟be动词are了。


  1. Which is our tree?
  2. Which is your child?
  3. Which is his apple?
  4. Which are her chairs?
  5. Which are your pets?
  6. Which are their keys?
  • which和whose, this, that相同,也有“形容词”用法。


  1. Which book is yours?
  2. Which chair is theirs?
  3. Which butterfly is beautiful?
  4. Which monkeys are under that tree?
  5. Which girls are friendly?
  6. Which teachers are angry?

定冠词 the 的用法及无生命的所有格

  • the主要用来指出“特定的人或物”,可通用于单复数名词。
  • the主要用来指出特定的人或物,另外the可以通用于单复数名词。因此the可以代替a(一个) /this(这个) / that(那个),也可代替these(这些) / those(那些)。


  1. The student is poor.
  2. The doctor is rich.
  3. The dog is weak.
  4. The nurses are patient.
  5. The persons are wrong.
  • 无生命的所有格写法=“部分”属于(of)“全部”


  1. The handle of the basket is good.
  2. The diamond of the ring is beautiful.
  3. The walls of the classroom are dirty.
  4. The cap of the cup is black.
  5. The word of the sentence is wrong.
  6. The key of the room is wrong.
  7. The spot of the towel is green.
  8. The glass of the watch is new.


  • but(连词)=但是,常用于连接两个有转折语气的句子。but前面必须加上逗号!


  1. The cap is new, but it is dirty.
  2. My radio is old, but it is good.
  3. The waiter is poor, but he is kind.
  4. The doctor is rich, but he is selfish.
  5. The garden is small, but it is beautiful.
  • and(连词)=而且、和,可用于连接两个意思对等的单词或句子。
  • and也是连词,不过和but不同的是,and用来连接两个意思对等的单词或是句子。另外and在中文里有两种用法,第一种是“而且”的意思,第二种是“和”的意思,这两种用法,会在下面的例句跟大家说明。另外和but相同的是,如果and连接的是句子,那么and的前面也必须加上逗号。


  1. That young person is fat and dirty.
  2. This dog is clean and smart.
  3. Our parents are angry and sad.
  4. Mary and John are good students.
  5. Your mother and my aunt are waitresses.
  6. This cat and that dog are lazy.
  7. Their bedroom and kitchen are dirty.
  8. Your room is small, and your room is dirty.
  9. My dog is big, and my dog is smart.
  • or(连词)=还是、或是。or也是连词,意思是“还是、或是”。or主要是让对方在答案中“二选一”。另外要特别注意的是“二选一”的念法,音调要先上升后下降。


  1. Are those children clean or dirty?
  2. Are those pens ours or theirs?
  3. Is this bedroom ours or theirs?
  4. Is this watch new or old?
  5. Is that classroom large or small?


  • “although”为连词,意思是“虽然”,although的用法和because的用法一样,它们像是两节车厢之间的挂钩,都可以放在“句首”和“句尾”来连接两个句子成为一句。另外要注意的是,中文常说 “虽然……但是”,但英文却只说“虽然……”后面不会加“但是”,这点要特别注意!
  • although可放句首=“Although+句1+,+句2”,although可放句中=“句1+although+句2”。


  1. Although this piano is good, it is old.
  2. Although my brother is smart, he is selfish.
  3. Although that new postman is stupid, he is nice.
  4. Although that driver is healthy, he is thin.
  5. This piano is good although it is old.
  6. My brother is selfish although he is smart.
  7. That new postman is nice although he is stupid.
  8. That driver is thin although he is healthy.
  • 中文常说“因为……所以”,但英文句子必须前面没有提到“因为”,后面才能用“所以”。因此,在英文里because和so绝对不能一起并用。另外so和and、but一样,前面都要加逗号。


  1. He is healthy, so he is happy.
  2. She is sick, so she is tired.
  3. This watch is good, so it is expensive.
  4. That piano is old, so it is cheap.
  5. That dog is sick, so it is weak.

There be 的用法和数字的写法

  • There is=“存在”的意思,后面要加单数名词。
  • There is 算是“单数的存在”,因此后面要加上单数名词。另外There is的疑问句和之前所学过的疑问句一样,将be动词is放到句首,就可以形成疑问句了。记得疑问句句尾语调要上扬!


  1. There is a bird on your desk.
  2. Is there a bird on your desk?
  3. There is a cat on our table.
  4. Is there a cat on our table?
  5. There is a dog in your bedroom.
  6. Is there a dog in your bedroom?
  7. There is a young person in your house.
  8. Is there a young person in your house?
  9. There is a baby in their room.
  10. Is there a baby in their room?
  • 数字的写法
数字 中文
one 1
two 2
three 3
four 4
five 5
six 6
seven 7
eight 8
nine 9
ten 10
eleven 11
twelve 12
thirteen 13
fourteen 14
fifteen 15
sixteen 16
seventeen 17
eighteen 18
nineteen 19
twenty 20
twenty-one 21
twenty-two 22
twenty-three 23
twenty-four 24
twenty-five 25
twenty-six 26
twenty-seven 27
twenty-eight 28
twenty-nine 29
thirty 30
forty 40
fifty 50
sixty 60
seventy 70
eighty 80
ninety 90
one hundred 100
one hundred and one 101
two hundred and eleven 211
three hundred and sixty-five 365


  1. There are three books on your desk.
  2. Are there three books on your desk?
  3. There are sixteen cats on our table.
  4. Are there sixteen cats on our table?
  5. There are forty-seven young persons in your house.
  6. Are there forty-seven young persons in your house?
  7. There are eighty-nine eggs in their kitchen.
  8. Are there eighty-nine eggs in their kitchen?
  9. There are one hundred and fifteen dogs in your garden.
  10. Are there one hundred and fifteen dogs in your garden?

动词 have 的用法与三大人称

  • have(动词)=拥有
  • 英文里一个句子只能有一个动词,因此is和have不能同时出现在同一句子里,要注意!


  1. I have an old boat.
  2. There is an old boat in the garage.
  3. You have a new knife.
  4. There is a new knife under the table.
  5. He has a red tie.
  6. There is a red tie on the chair.
  7. She has two beautiful watches.
  8. There are two beautiful watches in the kitchen.
  9. That boy has three balloons.
  10. There are three balloons above the house.
  11. This girl has four blue skirts.
  12. There are four blue skirts in the living room.
  13. They have eleven tigers.
  14. There are eleven tigers in the zoo.
  15. We have forty-five elephants.
  16. There are forty-five elephants at the station.
  17. Those people have one hundred and nineteen buses.
  18. There are one hundred and nineteen buses in the factory.
  19. These children have four new umbrellas.
  20. There are four new umbrellas beside the window.

动词 teach 的用法、主格和宾格

  • 主格+teach +宾格+英文
我们 你们 他们
主格 I you he she it we you they
宾格 me you him her it us you them


  1. I teach you English.
  2. You teach me English.
  3. He teaches him English.
  4. She teaches him math.
  5. She teaches her math.
  6. He teaches her math.
  7. I teach you history.
  8. They teach us history.
  9. We teach them history.
  10. You teacher teaches us art.
  11. My mother teaches you art.
  12. Her sister teaches them art.
  13. Your doctor teaches me music.
  14. Our teacher teaches them music.
  15. Their father teaches us music.

助动词 Do 和 Does 的用法

  • do的功用:do帮助句子形成疑问句,称为“助动词”。遇到第三人称单数时,助动词do要改成does。使用助动词时,后面的动词要“打回原形”。(也就是第一人称所使用的动词)

  • 第三人称单数,助动词do必须改成does,助动词后面的has要打回原形=have。


  1. I teach you English.
  2. Do I teach you English?
  3. You teach me English.
  4. Do you teach me English?
  5. He teaches him English.
  6. Does he teach him English?
  7. She teaches him math.
  8. Does she teach him math?
  9. She teaches her math.
  10. Does she teach her math?
  11. He teaches her math.
  12. Does he teach her math?
  13. I teach you history.
  14. Do I teach you history?
  15. They teach us history.
  16. Do they teach us history?
  17. We teach them history.
  18. Do we teach them history?
  19. Your teacher teaches us art.
  20. Does your teacher teach us art?
  21. My mother teaches you art.
  22. Dose my mother teach you art?
  23. Her sister teaches them art.
  24. Does her sister teach them art?
  25. Your doctor teaches me music.
  26. Does your doctor teach me music?
  27. Our teacher teaches them music.
  28. Does our teacher teach them music?
  29. Their father teaches us music.
  30. Does their father teach us music?


  • Do除了可当助动词之外,还可用来取代“所做的事情”,代表“是”的意思。
  • be动词的问句,才用be动词回答;实义动词的问句,要用助动词do回答。


  1. I teach you English.
  2. Do I teach you English?
  3. Yes, you do.
  4. You teach me English.
  5. Do you teach me English?
  6. Yes, I do.
  7. He teaches her English.
  8. Does he teach her English?
  9. Yes, he does.
  10. She teaches him math.
  11. Does she teach him math?
  12. Yes, she does.
  13. They teach us history.
  14. Do they teach us history?
  15. Yes, they do.
  16. We teach them history.
  17. Do we teach them history?
  18. Yes, we do.
  19. You teach them history?
  20. Do you teach them history?
  21. Yes, we do.

否定句 don’t / doesn’t 的用法

  • 当需要简单回答时,可以用do取代“所做的事情”,来代表“是”的意思,因此肯定回答时,我们只需要说“Yes, I do.”。而否定回答时,句中再加一个not,变成“No, I do not.”。另外若遇到“主格”也就是“主动做出动作的人”是第三人称单数时,就要使用does,变成“No, he does not.”


  1. Do you have a dog?
  2. No, I don’t.
  3. I don’t have a dog.
  4. Does he have a pen?
  5. No, he doesn’t.
  6. He doesn’t have a pen.
  7. Does he teach us English?
  8. No, he doesn’t.
  9. He doesn’t teach us English.
  10. Does your father teach us math?
  11. No, he doesn’t.
  12. He doesn’t teach us English.
  13. Do they teach you art?
  14. No, they don’t.
  15. They don’t teach me art.

形容词 many / much 的用法

  • many(形容词),是“许多的”的意思; many只能接复数可数名词
  • much(形容词),也是“许多的”的意思;much只能接不可数名词


  1. I have many birds.
  2. There are many birds in the tree.
  3. He has many books.
  4. There are many books in my room.
  5. You have many chairs.
  6. There are many chairs under the tree.
  7. We have many monkeys.
  8. There are many monkeys in the zoo.
  9. You have many students.
  10. There are many students in the classroom.
  11. Time is money.
  12. He has much money.
  13. There is much money in my house.
  14. I drink much milk.
  15. There is much water in the pool.
  16. There is much beer in the kitchen.

疑问词及连词 when 的用法

  • 当疑问句中有实义动词时,When也是要放在句首,且在do / does之前的位置形成疑问语气。由于When是用来“确定什么时候的问句”,所以句尾的语调要如同肯定句一般,必须下降。


  1. When does he teach me English?
  2. When do you teach her English?
  3. When does he teach us English?
  4. What do you have?
  5. What does he have?
  6. Where do you teach him?
  7. Where does he teach you?
  8. Why do you teach us English?
  9. Why do I teach them English?
  10. How does he teach me history?
  11. How do you teach her history?
  • When也可当连词,意思是当……时候;用法同because,可连接两个句子。


  1. When he is busy, he is angry.
  2. When that bird is in the tree, it is happy.
  3. When that monkey plays in my garden, it is happy.
  4. When Mr.Lee teaches Mary English, she is happy.
  5. He is angry when he is busy.
  6. That bird is happy when it is in the tree.
  7. That monkey is happy when it plays in my garden.
  8. Mary is happy when Mr.Lee teaches her English.

疑问词 How 的其他用法

  • How+形容词 / 副词形成不同意思的问法


  1. How many students are there in your school?
  2. There are ninety-three students in my school.
  3. How many students do you teach?
  4. I teach twenty-seven students.
  5. How many students does she teach?
  6. She teaches thirty-one students.
  7. How much beer is there in the car?
  8. I don’t know.
  9. How much beer do you drink?
  10. I don’t know.
  11. How much beer does he drink?
  12. I don’t know.
  13. How much money do you have?
  14. I don’t know.
  15. how much money does he have?
  16. I don’t know because I am drunken.
  17. How often do you teach them music?
  18. How often does your mother teach you?
  19. How often do you teach them math?
  20. How often does she teach us art?
  21. How often do they drink?


  • 及物动词:动词后面必须跟人 / 物宾语不及物动词:动词后面不须跟人 / 物宾语
  • 所谓及物动词就是动词后面必须跟人 / 物,让句子的意思比较完整。例如,“我有一本书”,“have”的后面习惯加上“对象”=“I have a book.”,这样会比“I have.”的语意更加完整。而“不及物动词”就没这个问题。例如,“微笑=smile”本身就可完整传达语意,后面不须特别加上“对象”来当宾语,所以“我微笑着。=I smile.”就已经是完整的句子。
  • 大部分的动词都兼具“及物动词”和“不及物动词”两种特性,只有极少部分的动词才会只当“及物动词”使用。另外要注意的是,只有名词和代词才可以担任宾语!
  • “like”是“喜欢”的意思,“like”是极少数只能当“及物动词”的动词,也就是说,“like”的后面无论如何都要加上“宾语”来承受“like”这个动作。


  1. I like that blue bus.
  2. Do you like that blue bus?
  3. Yes, I like it.
  4. Why do you like that blue bus?
  5. I like that blue bus because it is beautiful.
  6. I like that garden.
  7. Do you like that garden?
  8. Yes, I like it.
  9. I like that garden because there are many flowers in that garden.


  • 动词不定式=to+动词原形(to后面的动词要“打回原形”)


  1. I like to walk.
  2. I like to walk in that garden.
  3. He likes to run.
  4. He likes to run in this forest.
  5. She likes to swim.
  6. She likes to swim in that pool.
  7. They like to play.
  8. They like to play in my school.
  9. John’s father likes to teach us English.
  10. John’s father likes to teach us English in his living room.
  • 英文句子里,若要让两个动词同时存在,除了使用“不定式”的概念,还可以使用“连词and”的概念!“and”原本用来连接两个句子,如“他喜欢阅读而且他喜欢跑步”,我们可以写成“他喜欢阅读和跑步”,将后句的“他喜欢”给省略掉。因此使用“连词and”,就可以允许两个动词同时存在一个句子中!


  1. He likes to walk and he likes to swim.
  2. He likes to walk and swim.
  3. I like to sing and I like to drive.
  4. I like to sing and drive.
  5. You like to learn and you like to work.
  6. You like to learn and work.
  7. Those cats like to eat an those cats like to sleep.
  8. Those cats like to eat and sleep.


  • “频率副词”的用法跟中文相似,通常会放在be动词am / are / is的后面,或是实义动词的前面
频率副词 中文意思
always 总是
often 常常
usually 经常
sometimes 有时候
seldom 很少
never 从不


  1. Her house is always dirty.
  2. Her piano is often dirty.
  3. This young person is usually weak.
  4. That postman is somtimes busy.
  5. Their parents are seldom kind.
  6. Although that gentleman is rich, he is never lazy.
  7. They are usually sad because they are often sick.
  8. His daughter always plays in the room.
  9. Mary never smiles.
  10. My mother seldom drinks in the living room.
  11. That teacher usually draws in the office.
  12. Your father sometimes swims in this pool.
  13. He often teaches me English.
  • 频率副词里面的usually(通常)和often(常常)两个词通常会混用,不过要细分出两者差异的话,usually(通常)比较常用于“习惯”的表示;而often(常常)比较常用于“次数”的表示,所以还是要根据句子的语意来选择合适的表达。


  1. That student is sometimes lazy.
  2. Somtimes that student is lazy.
  3. That teacher sometimes teaches us English.
  4. Sometimes that teacher teaches us English.


  • 方式副词:大多放在动词后,用来辅助说明“动作状况”。
形容词 副词
慢的 slow 慢地 slowly
快的 quick 快地 quickly
伤心的 sad 伤心地 sadly
漂亮的 beautiful 漂亮地 beautifully
快乐的 happy 快乐地 happily
饥饿的 hungry 饥饿地 hungrily
忙碌的 busy 忙碌地 busily
生气的 angry 生气地 angrily


  1. Your sister runs quickly.
  2. Does your sister run quickly?
  3. My brother walks slowly.
  4. Does my brother walk slowly?
  5. She sings sadly.
  6. Does she sing sadly?
  7. That girl dresses beautifully.
  8. Does that girl dress beautifully?
  9. That student learns happily.
  10. Does that student learn happily?
  11. That old man works hungrily.
  12. Does that old man work hungrily?
  13. That driver drives busily.
  14. Does that driver drive busily?
  15. That girl cries angrily.
  16. Does that girl cry angrily?
  • “形容词”和“副词”用词相同,但意思有时不同
形容词 副词
快的 fast 快地 fast
早的 early 早地 early
晚的 late 晚地 late
困难的 hard 努力地 hard
好的 good 好地 well
坏的 bad 坏地 badly


  1. That bird flies fast.
  2. Why does that bird fly fast?
  3. That farmer works early.
  4. Why does that farmer work early?
  5. That boy arrives late.
  6. Why does that boy arrive late?
  7. Your friend works hard.
  8. Why does your friend work hard?
  9. My sister sings well.
  10. Why does my sister sing well?
  11. That teacher teaches English well.
  12. Why does that teacher teach English well?
  13. This student draws badly.
  14. Why does this student draw badly?


  • 地点副词 here 和 there。


  1. She often comes here.
  2. Does she often come here?
  3. Why does she often come here?
  4. She often comes here because she likes it here.
  5. He always goes there.
  6. Does he always go there?
  7. Why does he always go there?
  8. He always go there because he does’t like to come here.
  • 时间副词,today,tonight,now,early,late。


  1. We learn English today.
  2. Do we learn English today?
  3. When do we learn English today?
  4. We sing tonight.
  5. Do we sing tonight?
  6. When do we sing tonight?
  7. He is weak now.
  8. Is he weak now?
  9. why is he weak now?
  10. He comes early.
  11. Does he come early?
  12. Why does he come early?
  13. She comes late.
  14. Does she come late?
  15. Why does she come late?
  • “地点”和“时间”均习惯被放在句尾。“地点”和“时间”若“同时存在”时,要先写地点,再写时间。


  1. We sing here tonight.
  2. We learn English there today.
  3. She is here now.
  4. He goes there early.
  5. She comes here late.


  • very意思是“非常”,只能用来修饰“形容词”和“副词”,不能修饰动词。


  1. This piano is very good, but it is very old.
  2. My brother is very smart, but he is very selfish.
  3. That farmer is very stupid, but he is nice.
  4. Although this dog is very small, it runs very fast.
  5. That student is very smart because he learns very quickly.
  6. I like that girl very much because she is very cute.
  7. I like that bird very much because it sings very well.
  • 除了“非常”外,中英文也常用到“也是”这个词,“also(也是)”的用法其实和“always(总是)”的用法相同,都习惯放在be动词am / are / is的后面,实义动词前面。另外also可以通用于肯定句和否定句,没有特殊的限制。
  • 和“也是”意思相同的“程度副词”还有too和either两个词。too和either的用法均习惯放在句尾,但要特别注意的是,also可以通用于肯定句和否定句,而too只能用于肯定句,either却只能用于否定句。


  1. My mother is also very angry.(My mother is very angry too.)
  2. Is your mother also very angry?(Is your mother very angry too?)
  3. He also has a radio.(He has a radio too.)
  4. Does he also have a radio?(Does he have radio too?)
  5. I also like to sing here.(I like to sing here too.)
  6. Do you also like to sing here?(Do you like to sing here too?)
  7. I also teach art there.(I teach art there too.)
  8. Do you also teach art there?(Do you teach art there too.)
  9. My sister also doesn’t like to watch TV.(My sister also doesn’t like to watch TV either.)
  10. They also don’t like to play in that park.(They don’t like toplay in the (that) park either.)
  • 另外还有两个副词也常被使用,一个是“about=大约”的意思,一个是“only=只有”的意思。
  • “about”经常与数字配合使用。


  1. How many birds are there on my dest?
  2. There are about ten birds on your desk.
  3. How many watches do you have?
  4. I have about seven watches.
  5. How many students are there in that school?
  6. There are about three hundred and sixty students in that school.
  7. How many students do you teach?
  8. I teach about forty students there.
  • only的用法和always相同,都习惯放于be动词am / are / is后面,实义动词的前面。


  1. There are only three persons in the classroom today.
  2. There are only two children here now.
  3. I only have a baseball.
  4. He only likes to swim in the ocean.
  5. This child only wants that toy now.


  • 向+……地方=to+目的地(名词)
  • “to”通常也是用来连接“动作”和“目的地”的,而“目的地”大部分都是“名词”。例如,“跑去公园=run to the park”,就需要“to”来协助“run(跑)”指出目的地是“park(公园)”。但是若遇到here / there这样的地点副词,因为本身就已经具备辅助说明“地点位置”的功能,因此就不需要介词to来协助说明要去哪个方向,请特别注意!
  • “去到……地方”=go to……地方,如果没有特别说明用什么方式“去”时,就可以用“go”来表示“去”的意思。当遇到主语是第三人称单数时,go就要改成goes。
  • “go to……地方”,通常地方前面要加the,但除了here / there不用加the之外,还有几个特别的情况不用加the。例如,“回家=go home”, home和here / there一样可以当地点副词,所以前面就不用加介词 to了。另外两个特别的状况是“上学=go to school”“睡觉=go to bed”,为了让大家容易理解,我们可解释成“上学的学校”和“睡觉的床”位置通常是固定的,所以也就不用加the了,请特别注意!
  • “来到……地方”=come to……地方,没有特别说明用什么方式“来”时,就用come来表示“来”的意思。当遇到主语是第三人称单数时,记住come要改成comes。


  1. Those dogs often run to the park.
  2. Why do those dogs often run to the park?
  3. They often run to the park because they like it there.
  4. I often go to the station.
  5. Why do you often go to the station?
  6. I often go to the station because my mother works there.
  7. That fat driver seldom comes to my restaurant because my restaurant is very small.
  8. Why do that fat driver seldom come to your restaurant?
  9. He seldom comes to my restaurant because my restaurant is very small.
  10. That doctor usually goes home late.
  11. My brother always goes to bed early.
  12. That student always goes to school early.
  • 和某人做什么=做什么+和+某人=做什么with+某人


  1. I often swim with him.
  2. Why do you often swim with him?
  3. Because he swims very quickly, I want to learn his skill.
  4. I seldom drink with him.
  5. Why do you seldom drink with him?
  6. I seldom drink with him because he always likes to sing loudly.
  • 为了=for
  • for是介词,意思是为了,有特定“为了某人做了什么事”的意思。另外要特别注意的是for后面承受动作的“人”必须使用宾格。


  1. These flowers are for you.
  2. Are these flowers for me?
  3. Yes, they are.
  4. Why are these flowers for me?
  5. Because I like you.
  6. Is that English book for me?
  7. Yes, it is.
  8. Why is that English book for me?
  9. Because I don’t want to teach English for you.

连词 if 的用法及 have to 的用法

  • 连词if=“如果”的意思,have(has)+to=“必须”的意思。
  • if的用法和because一样,像两节火车厢之间的挂钩,将两个句子连成一句。例如,“If+句1+句2”,或是“句1+if+句2”。have(has)+to=“必须”的意思,后面用法和不定式相同,要加动词原形。


  1. Why does my sister speak English very badly?
  2. She speaks English very badly because she is very lazy.
  3. If your sister wants to speak English well, she has to study hard.
  4. I want to play with John in the living room.
  5. If you want to play with John, you have to clean your bedroom now.
  6. Do you teach well?
  7. Yes, I teach very well.
  8. If you want to learn quickly, you have to study hard.

形式主语 it 的用法

  • it用来代替过长的主语


  1. It is good to study hard every day.
  2. It is bad to drink every day.
  3. It is bad to smoke every day.
  4. It is happy for me to go to the bookstore every day.
  5. It is happy for your father to watch TV every day.
  6. It is happy for her to swim with John.
  7. If you want to study well, it is very important to study hard every day.
  8. If you want to run quickly, it is very important to practice every day.

常跟时间搭配的介词 at / on / in

  • 英文里问“几点了”,通常会用it(它)来表示所要问的时间,相当于问人“什么时间是这个时间(it)”的意思,英文写法是“What time is it?”。还有时间是不可数名词,所以不能用复数的are,而是要用is来当动词。


  1. What time is it?
  2. It is eight o’clock now.
  3. Is it eight o’clock now?
  4. Yes, it is eight o’clock now.
  5. Why are you very angry?
  6. I am very angry because my clock is broken.
  7. I have an important test at nine o’clock, so I have to eat quickly.
  8. I also have to drive very quickly if I want to arrive there at nine o’clock.
  • “周一~周日”的写法
周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 周日
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
  • “周一~周日”算是专有名词,因此第一个字母要大写,前面不用加a或the;另外on除了可以当“位置”的介词“在……东西上”之外,还可以拿来当“指定日期”的介词“on……日期上”。所以,在周日=“on Sunday”。要注意的是,on Sundays指的是“每个星期天”,而on Sunday指的是“这个星期天”。


  1. When is Mary’s birthday?
  2. Mary’s birthday is on Saturday.
  3. I want to celebrate Mary’s birthday on Saturday.
  4. It is very important for me to celebrate Mary’s birthday.
  5. If you want to celebrate Mary’s birthday, you have to buy a cake.
  6. I want to buy a cake at the cake store on Friday.
  7. Where is that cake store?
  8. That cake store is near the bookstore.
  9. Do you want to buy a cake with me on Friday?
  10. Although I have an important test on Friday, I want to buy a cake with you.
  • “1月~12月”的写法
1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月
January February March April May June
7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月
July August September October November December
  • “1月~12月”算是专有名词,因此第一个字母一定要大写,“月份”的前面不用加a或the。另外,一个月通常有几十天,所以在表示月份的时候,指的是“在一段时间以内”,因此要搭配时间介词“in”,如“在1月=in January”;所以in除了可以当“位置”的介词“在……里面”之外,还可以当“在一段时间内”的介词“in一段时间”。


  1. When do you come to Taiwan?
  2. I plan to go to Taiwan in October.
  3. There are many tourists in Taiwan in October.
  4. Why are there many tourists in Taiwan in October?
  5. Because it is very cool in Taiwan in October.
  6. Are there also many Americans in Taiwan in July?
  7. Yes, there are also many Americans in Taiwan in July.
  • 不需要搭配介词的时间副词
现在 今天 今晚 每一天 这个早上 这个星期 这个月
now today tonight every day this morning this week this month


  1. I like to go to school every day.
  2. Do you also like to go to school every day?
  3. No, I hate to go to school every day.
  4. Because the dog in the school always likes to bite me.
  5. If you want to swim with Mary, you have to finish this work this morning.

原级 / 比较级 / 最高级的用法

  • as+形容词 / 副词+as某人=像某人一样。


  1. She is as happy as I.
  2. Why is she as happy as you?
  3. She is as happy as I because we want to go to the zoo today.
  4. Why is your brother as sad as her sister?
  5. My brother is as sad as her sister because they have to learn English this morning.
  6. Do you learn English well?
  7. Yes, I learn English very well.
  8. I learn English as well as she.
  • 比较级的写法,我比他高=我较高+比起他=我较高+than他。


  1. Is he as smart as you?
  2. No, he is smarter than I.
  3. Although he is smarter than you, you work harder than he.
  4. Because I work harder than he, I am richer than he.
  5. Is your daughter more beautiful than his daughter?
  6. Yes, my daughter is more beautiful than his daughter.
  7. Are you happier than that doctor?
  8. Yes, I am happier than that doctor.
  • 最高级的写法,我是班上最高的=我是最高的+在班上=我是thetallest+在班上。
  • 副词最高级可以省略the。


  1. That fox runs the fastest in the forest.
  2. Why does that fox run the fastest in the forest?
  3. Because it runs faster than that tiger.
  4. This flower is the most beautiful flower in the forest.
  5. Why is the flower the most beautiful flower in the forest?
  6. Because this flower is as beautiful as you.
  7. That farmer is the richest person in the town.
  8. Why is that farmer the richest person in the town?
  9. Because that farmer works as hard as I.
  • 少数不规则 / 少数需重复词尾的写法
形容词 原级 比较级 最高级
好的 good better best
坏的 bad worse worst
副词 原级 比较级 最高级
好地 well better best
坏地 badly worse worst
形容词 原级 比较级 最高级
热的 hot hotter hottest
大的 big bigger biggest


  1. This baseball player is the best in the school.
  2. He is also the biggest student in the school.
  3. That teacher is the worst in the school.
  4. Do you like to swim more?
  5. I like to swim more than I like to run.
  6. I like to swim most.


  • be动词+动词ing=是+正在……


  1. Where are you?
  2. I am in the park.
  3. I am walking in the park.
  4. It is important for me to walk every day.
  5. There are many persons walking in the park now.
  6. Do you want to come here?
  7. No, I am watching TV in the living room.
  8. I like to watch TV more than I like to walk.


  1. What are you doing now?
  2. I am writing.
  3. Why are you writing?
  4. Because I am doing my homework.


  1. Where is Billy?
  2. He is playing with his dog.
  3. Are they digging the dirt in the garden?
  4. No, they are playing in the forest.
  5. What are they playing?
  6. They are running.
  7. Who is faster?
  8. Billy runs faster than that fat dog.
  9. Do you also run as fast as Billy?
  10. No, I run as slowly as that fat dog.
  11. What are you doing now?
  12. I am running in the park.


  • have / has+过去分词(P.P.)=已经+完成……


  1. I am very hungry now.
  2. Do you want to eat an egg?
  3. I have eaten nine eggs.
  4. Do you want to eat some bread?
  5. I have eaten much bread.
  6. Do you want to drink some juice?
  7. I have drunk much juice.
  8. You have to sleep now because you have eaten many things.
  • 现在完成时的疑问句:你已经完成……了吗?=Have+you +动词ed?
  • 之前学过疑问句写法,只要将be动词或助动词(do / does)放到句首就可以了,其实完成时的have / has也可当助动词,因此完成时的疑问句也只要将have / has移到句首就可以了。但是为了要保持问句里问对方“已经做了什么”的形态,后面的动词不能打回原形,必须维持过去分词的形态,这点和一般疑问句do / does(助动词)后面的动词必须打回原形有很大的差别,请特别注意!


  1. Do you want to buy the newest novel?
  2. I have bought the newest novel.
  3. Have you read that novel?
  4. No, I have not read that novel.
  5. What are you doing now?
  6. I am washing my father’s car.
  7. Have you finished your homework?
  8. Yes, I have finished my homework.
  9. I have not finished my homework because I am reading that novel.
  • “约翰已经去台北了”=“约翰+has+gone+to+台北”,这句通常是指约翰“已经在台北了”。如果是约翰“已经去过台北”,而现在人不在台北,就必须说“约翰+has+been+to+台北”。been是is /am / are的过去分词,在这里可用been来取代gone,表示“去过”。


  1. Have you ever been to Korea?
  2. No, I have not been to Korea.
  3. Which country have you been to?
  4. I have been to Tailand, Japan and America.
  5. My brother has gone to Tailand today.
  6. He likes Tailand because there is much delicious seafood there.
  7. I plan to go to England this month.
  8. Have you ever been to England?
  9. Yes, I have been to England.
  10. I like England because England is a beautiful country.


  • have / has+been+动词ing=已经+持续+正在完成……
  • 现在完成进行时=现在完成时+现在进行时,因此必须把放在have / has后面的be动词,改成“过去分词=been”,而后面的动词ing其动作仍然正在进行中。因此,我们可以把have / has看成是“已经”,把been看成是“持续”的意思,而动词ing就是动作正在进行的意思。


  1. Has he washed the car?
  2. No, he has not washed the car.
  3. He has been washing the car for tow hours.
  4. Why has he been washing the car for tow hours?
  5. He has been washing the car for tow hours because that car is very dirty.
  6. Is your daughter crying?
  7. Yes, she has been crying for forty minutes.
  8. Why has she been crying for forty minutes?
  9. Because she has not finished her homework.


  1. Has he finished his homework?
  2. No, he has not finished his homework.
  3. He has been sleeping since three o’clock.
  4. He has been sleeping for four hours.
  5. Why has he been sleeping since three o’clock?
  6. Because he is very tired today.
  7. He has been walking for one hour this afternoon.
  8. Why has he been walking for one hour this afternoon?
  9. Because his bicycle is broken.


  • 一般过去时=动词过去式+过去时间
  • 动词过去式
am are is do does
was were was did did
  • 常见的一般过去时中的时间副词
昨天 昨晚 去年 以前 之前
yesterday last night last year before ago


  1. I was a doctor before.
  2. Were you a doctor before?
  3. Yes, I was a doctor before.
  4. Because I like teach English, I am an English teacher now.
  5. When did you teach English in this city?
  6. I started to teach English in this city last year.
  7. Where did you teach English before?
  8. I taught English in Taipei two years ago.
  9. Taipei is also a beautiful city.


  • 过去进行时=was / were+动词ing+过去时间
  • 时间副词本身就代表了特定的时间,所以不需要加介词at / in / on来辅助说明时间的状况,如同地点副词here / there,前面不用加at / in。另外要注意的是,当句子里面同时存在“小时间”和“大时间”时,要先写“小时间”,再写“大时间”。


  1. What were you doing at nine o’clock yesterday morning?
  2. I was swimming in the ocean at nine o’clock yesterday morning.
  3. How many persons were there in the ocean yesterday morning?
  4. There were about twenty-five persons in the ocean yesterday morning.
  5. When I was swimming yesterday, what were you doing?
  6. When you were swimming, I was doing my homework.
  7. What was he doing at five o’clock yesterday afternoon?
  8. He was watching TV in the living room at five o’clock yesterday afternoon.


  • had +动词ed+过去时间=过去已经+完成……


  1. Had Mary gone to Japan yesterday?
  2. Yes, she had gone to Japan yesterday.
  3. When did she arrive in Japan?
  4. She arrived in Japan at two o’clcok yesterday afternoon.
  5. Had Billy also arrived in Japan yesterday?
  6. Yes, Billy had arrived in Japan yesterday morning.
  7. Had you called them this morning?